Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happiness is a Choice

Motherhood is the most satisfying and powerful job any woman will ever have. As moms we nurture and shape the lives of our children and our families. Fathers play an important role, yet as mothers, we are the CEOs of our families, and just like in the corporate world, we set the tone. The way we feel affects how our family feels. Watching and nurturing our children as they grow brings us great joy, and for many working mothers that translates to personal happiness. Healthy kids, a good job, and a loving spouse or partner, friends, and family all are part of what happiness is all about. True, deep-down personal happiness, though is more than being grateful; it’s more than the absence of suffering, as well. Personal happiness and joy constitute a view of the world; they indicate your ability to align your life to your values; to learn to love and forgive yourself and others, and to find true joy in the small details of everyday life. Sometimes as working mothers the joy and fulfillment in raising a child can be overshadowed by the responsibilities of a full- or part-time job. You have the choice, though, to be energized by the balancing act of family and employment demands. By taking care of your own happiness, you will be better at everything you do, as a mother, a worker, and partner.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter is a hppy person because of the choice I've made to be a happy mom/woman. I love that!!
